Tricity-based NGO Tammana organised a meet & greet with children with prolonged diseases such as cancer; staying at Hans Raj Dharamshala, PGI, Sector 12, Chandigarh here on Sunday, September 25, 2022. The event also included a hygiene & counselling camp for not just the children but their attendants too.
Member Ruchi Kapoor shared that ‘Team Members, divided into groups counselled the children on personal hygiene and the importance of clean surroundings. Basic Hygiene kits including toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and soaps were distributed thereafter to encourage good hygiene practices. Sanitary Napkins were also distributed to the attendants of the children. Team members wore surgical masks with proper sanitisation maintained to avoid any infections.’
The Event SPOC and Member Chandan Preet told that “a colouring activity on the topic of hygiene was also organised for the children which they thoroughly enjoyed. It helped ease their discomfort from the struggles of their diseases while the team energized them.”
State Awarded, Founder President Isha Kakaria shared “This Dharamshala has 81 rooms which are all occupied all the time and a Hall for the children and their attendants, who stay there for a daily minimal charge for their post-treatment recovery of prolonged diseases like Cancer or to queue up for their surgeries, as travelling isn’t affordable or advised to them. The idea behind the event was to spend quality time with them, bring them some positive energy & love.”
Toys too were also distributed among children. Thereafter, healthy refreshments were served to the children.
Commencing its 15th year, this was the NGO’s 132nd event. Tammana strives to help the deprived under its various social iinitiatives & can be joined on a voluntary basis via